Ladies Hair Emporium
2928 Colby Avenue is the site of Madame Luella Ruth Brown Boyer (Brent)'s beauty shop, The Ladies Hair Emporium. She was the first black businesswoman in Everett, opening her shop in 1902. Her salon served both black and white customers. Located across the street from the Everett theater, Mdm Boyer also worked as a janitor at the theater, and is thought to have worked as a makeup artist for the theatrical productions.

Rev. Cate Residence
This property was the residence of Revered Cate of the Bailey AME church in Everett. Cate unsuccessfully attempted to purchase property in Sultan Washington.

Bailey A.M.E. Church
Bailey A.M.E. Church is an African American Church organized in 1905 and incorporated in 1964. The existing structure was erected in 1967.

Samuels Residence
This was the residence of Jennie Samuels, the president of the State federation of Colored Women's Clubs of Washington. She hosted a convention of over 200 African American clubwomen in Everett in 1924. The address of the Samuels Residence also appeared in the Green Book.

Second Baptist Church
In 1901 Black Baptists in Everett began to organize a church. The effort was led by Mr. and Mrs. Luten Sullivan and Mrs. Nellie Donaldson.  In 1903 the Second Baptist Church was incorporated with seven members.  Among the participants were Rev. and Mrs. S.G. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Solomon and Mrs. Mary Rogers. The first Second Baptist Church building was constructed on Rainier Street in Everett. 
The first pastor of the church was Rev. S. W. Wilson who served from 1901 to 1906.  During that time, the congregation numbered twenty-five.
Rev. J.L. Murray served as pastor between 1921 and 1930. Under his leadership, the site of the existing Second Baptist Church was purchased in 1922.
Rev. Leon C. Jones served as pastor between 1960 and 1969, assisted by his wife and daughter.  Under his leadership, a building fund was started and plans were made to build a new church.  A “Ground Breaking Ceremony” for the new building was held on July 24, 1966; the building was complete by December 11, 1966 when the first church service was held; and a dedication service was held on January 8, 1967
Between 1969 and 1971, Rev. Robert E. Lindsay served as pastor, organizing the Senior Choir during his tenure.
Rev. Matthew McSwain served as pastor between 1971 and 1991. Under his leadership, the membership increased to a hundred, new church furniture was purchased, and there was a reorganization of the auxiliaries of the church.
 Rev. Charlie Jackson served as pastor between 1991 and 2021, succeeded by Rev. Hiller Payne.